Buyaladdin Acquires US License, Grand Opening Soon.

Long since the live demonstration of Buyaladdin in New York on July 16, 2019, there has been massive media coverage and buildup surrounding the new crypto shopping platform. Finalizing the last stage before its grand opening, Buyaladdin has received its operating license in the United States. origin »

Today’s Microsoft Stock Surge Just Made Bill Gates $230 Million Richer.

Economics teachers love to use the “Bill Gates analogy” to explain opportunity cost to glassy-eyed high school students. The Microsoft founder makes so much money every second that it if he saw a $100 bill lying on the street, it would be a poor use of his time to pick it up - at least […] The post Today’s Microsoft Stock Surge Just Made Bill Gates $230 Million Richer appeared first on origin »

IOTA launches its autonomous, decentralized marketplace for EoT.

IOTA launches its autonomous, decentralized marketplace for EoT - CryptoNinjas The IOTA Foundation, a non-profit organization behind the IOTA scalable, feeless and decentralized distributed ledger technology, today announced the launch of the ‘Industry Marketplace’ a decentralized marketplace which will automate the trading of physical and digital goods and services. origin »

Edge enables users to self-onboard nodes to its computing network.

Edge enables users to self-onboard nodes to its computing network - CryptoNinjas The monetizing of spare computing capacity has been made simpler by Edge Network (formerly DADI) who has now launched the ability to easily self-onboard computing devices to their network and become a part of the future of the cloud. origin »


Egretia Educational Series 4:  What Is the Utility of EGT?.

Welcome to the educational series of Egretia. Here we discuss all the different components of the Egretia ecosystem. EGT: A Multi-Utility Token To succeed inside the crypto space, the token of a blockchain ecosystem needs to have a utility in order for the platform to evolve and the token to increase in value. origin »

Dow Teeters After Fed Quietly Shades Trump.

The Dow teetered on Thursday as Wall Street continued to wrestle with the fallout from the Federal Reserve’s second straight “insurance” cut. Analysts have spent the past 18 hours poring over every word in Fed Chair Jerome Powell’s prepared remarks and post-FOMC press conference, and there’s one comment, in particular, that has begun turning heads. origin »

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