
Hundreds of Inactive Cryptos Still Worth Millions.

Hundreds of cryptos and tokens that have no github activity at all for a year or more are still traded on exchanges according to CoinCodeCap. About 300 crypto tokens have... The post Hundreds of Inactive Cryptos Still Worth Millions appeared first on Trustnodes. origin »


The Ripple Legal Battle: Is XRP a Security Token or Not?.

According to news published by Fortune, September 20, Ripple, the company behind the cryptocurrency XRP asked a federal court to dismiss the class action that would claim XRP as security. Security or not Security? As informed by BTCManager in August 2019, a group of investors filed a complaint against Ripple with the Securities and ExchangeRead MoreRead More. origin »


How Did You Get Into Bitcoin? Crypto Twitter Responds.

Everybody loves a story. When it comes to how people first got into cryptocurrency, there’s no exception. Crypto Twitter (CT) is full of humorous, thought-provoking, and unexpected tales of diving down the Satoshi rabbit hole, and the reasons for entering the space are as diverse as the people themselves. origin »

CC Forum – Blockchain and AI Investment Forum.

14-16 October 2019 will see one of the world's major industry events. Following our highly successful inaugural edition in London last October as well as our the joint edition with the Maltese partners this May, the second edition of CC Forum London will connect global thought leaders, policy makers, investors and startups from across the world for a 3 day top content event. origin »


How 2019 Has Been an Annus Horribilis For Altcoins.

There have been very few beneficiaries from crypto market movements this year. Bitcoin has clearly won the race and while a few of the altcoins have dragged themselves out of the mud at the bottom of the digital pond, many are still massively down from their all-time highs. origin »

Cryptocurrency Tax Software To Keep the IRS From Your Door.

If you’ve traded cryptocurrency, chances are that you’ve lost a fair amount of hair–not to mention sleep–trying to calculate your obligations. Some hodlers only need to report a few trades per year, but if you’re moving large amounts of cryptocurrency, it might take some professional-level software to keep track of all those gainz. origin »


Ethereum Up, Bitcoin Down, Why?.

Something extremely rare is occurring, something we have not seen for two years. Ethereum is rising, while bitcoin is either not moving or even falling. This state of affairs used... The post Ethereum Up, Bitcoin Down, Why? appeared first on Trustnodes. origin »


Etherean Shows Up at Area 51.

“Holy fucking shit people actually went to the Area 51 raid. ” That is currently the internet’s most common reaction to a very 21st century form of jokingly protesting. About 100. origin »

Largest gathering of global blockchain innovators in Tokyo.

Meet the people behind Cosmos, OmiseGO, MakerDAO, Harmony, Ontology, Blockstack, RSK, Dapp. com. BINARYSTAR and Asia Blockchain Review are organizing Unblock Tokyo: Ecosystem Fast Track on October 5th, in a major gathering of all-star developers to shed light on the latest developments in the industry and exclusive project updates for the blockchain and crypto community. origin »

Dow Recoils After Trump Trade Guru Dangles 100% Tariff Threat.

The Dow's dramatic reversal sputtered on Thursday, as the post-Fed rally ran out of steam amid a burgeoning crisis in the Middle East and warnings that China tariffs could go as high as 100%. Supporting the Dow, bulls appear to be ignoring the fact that the FOMC is technically in a holding pattern, preferring to […] The post Dow Recoils After Trump Trade Guru Dangles 100% Tariff Threat appeared first on CCN.com origin »


Scientists invented an electric baseball hat to reverse male baldness.

An international team of researchers just developed the most sophisticated treatment for male baldness ever: a hat that covers up your hairless head. Wait, there’s more. It also contains a self-actuating electrical ‘patch’ that stimulates the scalp, regenerates damaged tissue, and regrows hair thicker and quicker than pharmacological treatments. origin »


U.S. SEC Hammer Down Crowdfunding Platform ICOBox .

ICOBox, an initial coin offering project (ICO) that raised a whopping $14. 6 million from the sale of its native altcoin in 2017, has been dragged to court by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for selling unregistered securities and functioning as a broker without obtaining the relevant licenses, according to a press releaseRead MoreRead More. origin »

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