Результатов: 413

Core Scientific запустила крупный майнинговый центр в Кентукки

Компания Core Scientific объявила о запуске крупного майнингового центра мощностью 125 МВт в городе Калвер-Сити американского штата Кентукки. В основном в центре добывают эфир, однако помимо оборудования для майнинга ETH на территории бывшего сталеплавильного завода также размещены ASIC-устройства для майнинга биткойна и оборудование для добычи других криптовалют. дальше »

2019-11-14 17:00

Core Scientific opens new 125MW ready blockchain mining facility

Core Scientific, an infrastructure and software provider for AI and blockchain technologies, announced that it has opened a new large-scale blockchain facility in Calvert City, Kentucky. The premium blockchain facility was purposely designed in buildings that are thermodynamically engineered for high efficiency and temperature management. дальше »

2019-11-14 20:03


Nicolas Maduro refuses to give up on Venezuela’s state cryptocurrency El Petro

It seems that the government of Venezuela isn’t ready to give up on its state-issued cryptocurrency ambitions. Speaking during a state broadcast last night, President Nicolas Maduro said protectorates and states would receive one million Petros —  Venezuela’s home-brewed cryptocurrency — twice a month, from November onwards. дальше »

2019-10-17 16:14

ProgPOW author steps down as Core Scientific CTO, vows to implement algorithm on Ethereum

Kristy-Leigh Minehan, the author of ProgPOW, stepped down as CTO of Core Scientific to focus on ensuring the disputed algorithm gets implemented on Ethereum. Core Scientific loses its CTO, ProgPOW gains a leader Hours ago, Kristy-Leigh Minehan announced she was stepping down as CTO to focus on ensuring the ProgPOW algorithm is implemented on Ethereum. дальше »

2019-9-25 03:18


Immortality, Cryogenics and UBI: How The Crypto Rich Influence Science

The rise of cryptocurrency is changing the philanthropic world by causing the redistribution of wealth from old money to visionary innovators and early tech adopters. The new crypto rich invest their donations by supporting scientific research in groundbreaking fields that may one day enable humanity to cure aging, reverse death and completely change the relationship […] The post Immortality, Cryogenics and UBI: How The Crypto Rich Influence Science appeared first on Bitcoin News. дальше »

2019-8-26 19:45


NYU researchers made mice smarter by manipulating their brainwaves with light

Researchers from the New York University School of Medicine recently developed a method for manipulating brain waves with light to improve learning. The results of the team’s study are incredible – laboratory mice exposed to the new technique showed marked improvement in short-term memory – but the implications of their findings could radically alter the scientific perception of how the brain works. дальше »

2019-8-10 22:04