Результатов: 12

Facebook Hate Speech Ban is Far Too Little – and 50 Victims Too Late

By CCN. com: It might have taken the brutal, livestreamed murder of 50 men, women, and children, but Facebook has finally decided to ban the promotion of white nationalism on its platform. Facebook Took 3 Months (!) to Formulate Hate Speech Ban What were Facebook staff doing while a homicidal maniac was planning his deadly assault on two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand? I’ll tell you. дальше »

2019-3-29 19:06


51% Attack Being Livestreamed for Educational Purposes: Exclusive Interview

On October 7, 2018, Reddit user team-periwinkle took to social media, questioning cryptocurrency users for their interest in a potential 51% attack. While attackers would not typically announce their intentions publicly, the purpose of the attack would be for education, as the entire process will be live-streamed to allow anyone interested in learning how the often purely theoretical process works. дальше »

2018-10-13 01:00


EOS Finally Launches

After a year long ICO and just a week of testing, EOS has finally launched live at precisely 14:00 London time on June the 10th 2018. A livestreamed call by... The post EOS Finally Launches appeared first on Trustnodes. дальше »

2018-6-11 16:07