Результатов: 47

CT Boycotting YouTube to Protest Against Google’s Unexplained Crypto Censorship

Founder of Quantum Economics and former eToro analyst, Mati Greenspan took to Twitter to announce his stance on the latest unexplained and unexpected ban on crypto content on YouTube. “In protest of Google's new unexpected and unexplained censorship of crypto content I will be boycotting YouTube until further notice,” said Greenspan. Dozens of videos of […] дальше »

2019-12-26 17:37

‘Facebook’s Libra has better chance of adoption in the U.S than Bitcoin’

eToro crypto-exchange’s Market Analyst, Mati Greenspan recently featured in an interview to provide a glance within the mysterious crypto ecosystem. While speaking about Bitcoin nearing its 21 million cap, Greenspan highlighted that the current ecosystem incentivises the miners “to deliver the computing power at whatever costs. дальше »

2019-10-5 01:30

FATF reforms will ensure every crypto exchange is treated as a financial institution, claims eToro’s Mati Greenspan

When it comes to the crypto ecosystem, the businesses and  industry experts share the similar weightage when it comes to sharing opinion. One of the rising entrepreneurs in this field is Mati Greenspan, who currently serves as eToro‘s Senior Market Analyst, featured in one YouTube interview to discuss various insights within the ecosystem. дальше »

2019-10-5 21:30


Statista: почти каждый десятый россиянин владеет криптовалютами

Исследование немецкого онлайн-портала статистики показало, кто в мире является лидером по проникновению цифровых активов в жизнь общества. Исследование компании Statista, основными результатами которого поделился аналитик eToro Мати Гринспэн, показало, что самый большой процент владеющих криптовалютами наблюдается в Турции: здесь каждый пятый житель обзавелся такими активами. дальше »

2019-6-22 11:48


“If Bitcoin is Digital Gold, then Litecoin is Digital Silver” Say’s eToro

Mati Greenspan, a Senior Market Analyst at eToro has uploaded a ‘market research summary’ for Litecoin, which discusses Litecoin as the silver to Bitcoin’s gold. eToro believe that Litecoin is built upon one of the ‘most established’ networks in the world and that it is a viable currency as a store value and a means of exchange. дальше »

2018-8-2 16:30

eToro Analyst Says Iran’s Crypto Crackdown Will Lead to Secondary Market Creation

Iran’s Cryptocurrency Exchange Crackdown is Creating a Secondary Market, Says eToro Senior Market Analyst As Iran starts to apply pressure on its major capital take off, Mati Greenspan thinks the efforts may be in vain as other markets start to rise under the measures to operate the buying or selling of Bitcoin. Things may not […] дальше »

2018-7-9 06:05


Bitcoin Futures ‘Too Small’ to Cause BTC Bear Market

Experts have suggested that the bitcoin futures price effect may be so negligible as to have had almost no impact on the recent BTC price slide. Speaking to Crypto Briefing, Mati Greenspan, a senior market analyst from eToro, explained that in comparison to the volume on prominent exchanges, the BTC futures market was not large enough to […] The post Bitcoin Futures ‘Too Small’ to Cause BTC Bear Market appeared first on Crypto Briefing. дальше »

2018-6-30 16:55