Canada’s Investment Industry Organization to Issue Proposals on Blockchain, Crypto Regulations

Canada’s Investment Industry Organization to Issue Proposals on Blockchain, Crypto Regulations
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2018-6-26 19:07

Canada’s Investment Industry Regulatory Organization has formed a working group to recommend a regulatory response to blockchain’s impact on capital markets

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Intelligent Investment Chain (IIC) íà

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regulatory investment → Ðåçóëüòàòîâ: 11

Institutional Investors Move to Bitcoin ‘Inevitable,’ Says Wall Street’s ‘Crypto King’

‘Wall Street’s Crypto King’ Bart Smith is expecting institutional investors to move into the cryptocurrency market once regulations are clarified. Institutions Need Regulatory Certainty Smith runs the investment firm Susquehanna International Group which started investing in Bitcoin in 2014 and expanded in 2017 during the crypto boom.

2018-6-12 02:00