Результатов: 110

Ethereum ETF: Franklin Templeton Enters The Fray As ETH Rallies

Wall Street titan and Asset manager Franklin Templeton has applied for an Ethereum Spot Exchange-Traded Funds (ETF) after a struggle to gain approval for their Bitcoin Spot ETF in early January. Asset Manager Files For Spot Ethereum ETF Asset managers have gravitated toward the Ethereum spot ETF since the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approved the Spot Bitcoin ETF. дальше »

2024-2-14 18:00

Tokenized, Inc: BlackRock's Plan To Own The Fractionalized World

In the aftermath of the recent Bitcoin ETF approvals, BlackRock's Larry Fink revealed that soon everything will be "ETF'd" and tokenized, threatening to fractionalize not just existing assets and commodities, but the natural world, reducing most living things into Wall Street financial products to be traded on a single, universal ledger. дальше »

2024-2-14 19:00

Critic Slams SEC On Bitcoin ETF: Is The Agency Intimidated By BlackRock?

A critic on Reddit believes that the recent surge in Bitcoin prices, which broke above critical resistance levels registered in July 2023 and reached 2023 highs, may be partially attributed to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) potential intimidation by BlackRock’s significant influence in Wall Street. дальше »

2023-10-26 08:00

BlackRock CEO’s Turnabout on Bitcoin Elicits Cheers, Skepticism of Crypto Cred

BlackRock CEO Larry Fink's change of heart on bitcoin could make it easier for fellow Wall Street executives to embrace cryptocurrencies, but experts warn that his favored financial instrument – the exchange-traded fund, or ETF – is an investment vehicle that's categorically different from the core idea behind digital assets, and could push the industry in the wrong direction. дальше »

2023-7-8 22:50

SEC: Информация в заявках на спотовый ETF на биткоин пока недостаточна

Комиссия по ценным бумагам и биржам США (SEC) назвала «неадекватными» заявки, которые недавно были поданы на запуск спотовых ETF на биткоин. Об этом пишет The Wall Street Journal. дальше »

2023-7-4 20:50

Аналитик Bloomberg раскритиковал SEC за отношение к ETF на биткоин

Старший аналитик Bloomberg по ETF Эрик Балчунас присоединился к критике Гэри Генслера изданием Wall Street Journal и заявил, что председатель SEC тормозит развитие криптовалют в своих интересах. дальше »

2022-7-7 11:58

Инвecтгигaнт Invesco гoтoвит пpoдукты c пoддepжкoй биткoйнoм

Инвecтициoнный гигaнт c aктивaми пoд упpaвлeниeм бoлee $ 1,З тpлн и oдин из кpупнeйшиx пocтaвщикoв биpжeвыx фoндoв (ETF) в CШA Invesco плaниpуeт зaпуcтить cepию пpoдуктoв, пoддepживaeмыx биткoйнaми (BTC) и дpугими кpиптoвaлютaми, cooбщaeт Wall Street Journal. дальше »

2021-9-23 08:00