
Cryptp market on uprise with Bitcoin seeing surges in prices.

The price of bitcoin reached above $7,700 on Monday, according to CoinMarketCap, up by almost $2,000 since the end of June. The latest gains also fall short of some analysts’ predictions, who forecast that bitcoin would rise above $10,000 in May and continue to climb. It is the first time since April that bitcoin has achieved origin »


Name your price for this extensive project management training.

Project management isn’t just juggling. It’s three-dimensional chess. . . while on fire. . . inside a pressure cooker. But project management is manageable with the right tools. You’ll have the blueprint for a successful career as a PM with the training in the Project Management Mastery course bundle from TNW Deals. origin »


Leblock The Virtual Logo.

When we consider game consoles and their evolution, we find that they are systems with mass appeal. This is a result of the behavior of early adopters in the gaming industry. Major consoles such as the XBOX and PS4 would not be where they are, had it not been for the enthusiastic efforts of early origin »

Neluns is the next step in the financial ecosystems evolution.

According to the latest official announcement from the Neluns team they plan to run an ICO in 3 phases: Pre-Sale, Pre-ICO and ICO. In the mission statement Neluns declares its ultimate goal to build the next generation financial ecosystem hinging on a bank and insurance company functionality. The bank side of the system will support […] origin »

Are you afraid of cyber attacks? Improve your cyber security!.

Even though we are well into our second decade of widespread internet use, the term ‘cyber attack’ is still a relatively new and daunting one for many people. Many individuals and small businesses entrust their cybersecurity to off-the-shelf antivirus softwares, which can effective but certainly aren’t foolproof. When it comes to preventing cyber attacks, everyone […] origin »

Ripple’s CTO responds to Roger Ver’s statement on XRP.

Ripple’s CTO and one of the original architects of the XRP Ledger, David Schwartz responded to Roger Ver’s statement on XRP. Roger Ver, the CEO of Bitcoin, popularly known as Bitcoin Jesus faced a backlash on the social media platform after he said that today it is debatable if XRP is even a cryptocurrency. During an interview […] origin »


Japan’s Cryptocurrency Self-Regulator Proposes Margin Capped Trading Rules.

The Japan Virtual Currency Exchange Association (JVCEA), is set to propose margin capped trading rules, attempting to reduce the risks of the fluctuating market.   Earlier in April, the 16 registered cryptocurrency exchange services in the country came together to form the Japan Virtual Currency Exchange Association (JVCEA) – a self-regulatory body designated to sanitize the local cryptocurrency industry. origin »


Cardano (ADA) CEO Shares his Future Vision of the Coin.

Just recently, ADA’s co-founder has added comments about the platforms plans that are already set in motion. 1st Trillion $ Economy – Cardano Ex-part of the Ethereum project, currently working and co-founder of Cardano (ADA) – Charles Hoskinson, is quite known for sharing his vision and ambitious motives. origin »


Six Percent of 2018 Lawsuits Related to ICOs.

Finance Cornerstone Research, an economic and financial consulting company, has published a report finding that more than 6% of the securities class action filings made in 2018 have related to initial coin offerings (ICOs) and cryptocurrencies. origin »

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