XRP Daily Price Forecast – October 31.

XRP/USD Medium-term Trend: Ranging Resistance Levels: $ 0. 61, $0. 63, $ 0. 65 Support Levels: $0. 40, $0. 38, $0. 36 Yesterday, October 30, the XRP price was in a bearish trend. The crypto’s price fell to the low of $0. origin »


6 Unexpected Altcoin Delistings Enforced by OKEx.

While it is not uncommon for exchanges and trading platforms to delist specific currencies these days, OKEx is doing things in grand fashion. The platform is removing several dozen currencies at once, all because they do not perform as expected or hoped. origin »

MakerDAO Introduces New Collateral Interface.

MakerDAO has introduced a new CDP Portal, which serves as a simplified and streamlined interface that allows users to generate their own collateralized Dai stablecoins. The news was announced in a recent Medium post that details the portal’s many features. origin »

Lykke adds Ripple to the Lykke Exchange.

Lykke today announced that Ripple (XRP) is now available on the Lykke Exchange. Buyers and sellers from around the world can trade XRP directly from the Lykke Wallet mobile application and from the Lykke Web Terminal. origin »

Waves Community Survey Report.

Waves is the fastest blockchain platform with real-world solutions for end users, businesses and developers, whether they need to store or exchange tokens, trade swiftly and securely (DEX) or run fraud-proof business logic (Waves smart contracts). - Medium origin »

What is Equishash? | Guide to Equihash Coins.

Most cryptocurrencies rely on proof-of-work (PoW) mining to secure their networks from double-spending in a censorship resistant way. In order to maintain censorship resistance, the network of miners must be sufficiently decentralized. origin »

Everything You Need To Know About Ethereum Cloud Mining.

All cryptocurrencies are created through mining. Mining is the process verifying transactions in a public ledger called a blockchain and new cryptocurrencies created. These transactions are assembled into blocks whereby the miner gets rewarded when he appends a block and solves various algorithms. origin »

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