SEC Settles Poloniex Charges.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) today announced one of the oldest crypto exchange, Poloniex LLC, has agreed to pay more than $10 million to settle charges for operating an... origin »

Cryptonians Prepare to Protest.

Bitcoinians, ethereans, cardano bros, ripples, stonkies, maybe 4chan, reddit as well as twitterers, IRC geeks and democrats, Republicans and independents, jpeg flippers and supercoders, the young middle class in short... origin »

Crypto Market Forecast: Week of August 9th 2021.

A curated weekly summary of forward-focused crypto news that matters. This week, Ethereum drives the market forward following the successful implementation of the London hard fork, and the U.S. Senate is poised to pass an infrastructure bill with major implications for the blockchain industry. origin »

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