Lykke partners with Cardano Foundation.

Lykke Corp, the Swiss-based fintech firm, blockchain exchange, and financial product provider is proud to announce its partnership with Cardano Foundation — a Swiss-based independent entity that advances and enables the Cardano blockchain. origin »


Gitcoin Grants Round 6 Retrospective.

Round 6 of Gitcoin Grants has just finished, with $227,847 in contributions from 1,526 contributors and $175,000 in matched funds distributed across 695 projects. This time around, we had three categories: the two usual categories of "tech" and "community" (the latter renamed from "media" to reflect a desire for a broad emphasis), and the round-6-special category Crypto For Black Lives. origin »

Exploring Fully Homomorphic Encryption.

Special thanks to Karl Floersch and Dankrad Feist for review Fully homomorphic encryption has for a long time been considered one of the holy grails of cryptography. The promise of fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) is powerful: it is a type of encryption that allows a third party to perform computations on encrypted data, and get an encrypted result that they can hand back to whoever has the decryption key for the original data, without the third party being able to decrypt the data or the result themselves. origin »

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