
Mark Zuckerberg maintains his metaverse ambition.

Mark Zuckerberg defends Meta’s push into the metaverse, saying they are just as focused on other “family of apps” as they are on the metaverse. Meta’s “family of apps” Following reports that Mark Zuckerberg’s billions invested in the construction of… origin »

Oryen Network The New King Of DeFi, Forget Maker And Convex.

Decentralized Finance is referred to as DeFi, but what does it mean? To comprehend DeFi, we must first understand the traditional financial system of the globe, which is defined by a centralized control that limits people’s involvement and frequently prevents them from making use of the greatest services. origin »

BORCOIN to Hold IEO on Coinsbit.

Istanbul, Turkey. December 1st, 2022. The award-winning Estonian cryptocurrency exchange Coinsbit will hold the Initial Exchange Offering of BORCOIN (BRC) from December 1 to 15, 2022. BORCOIN is an ambitious project from Turkey launched in September 2022 that aims to create a DeFi platform with a multi-level architecture to offer smart-contract-based financial instruments. origin »

Italy to impose 26% crypto gains tax from 2023.

Italy is planning to tighten regulation around cryptocurrencies by taxing capital gains beginning in 2023.   According to the European country’s proposed budget for next year, all digital currency profits above €2,000 will be subject to a 26% tax levy. origin »

A Dummy’s Guide to Ethereum Rollups.

(In this Guide, We’ve explained Ethereum Rollups, How they can scale Ethereum, and their different types.) Ethereum scaling is one of the hottest topics in cryptocurrency. Discussions about scaling usually heat up during periods of high network activity, such as his CryptoKitties boom in 2017, DeFi in the summer of 2020, and the cryptocurrency bull […] The post A Dummy’s Guide to Ethereum Rollups appeared first on ItsBlockchain. origin »


How to Buy Bitcoin With a Credit Card.

IntroductionSurprisingly, the first time the term “credit card” was used to describe a card for spending was back in 1887, mentioned several times in the utopian science fiction novel “Looking Backward” by Edward Bellamy. origin »

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