From lock-in to loyalty: Self-Sovereign Identity & Data Portability.

Regulatory requirements like open banking rules and the data portability provisions in the European Union’s GDPR tend to be viewed as burdens - forcing compliance expense and stunting growth. But business leaders can use the opportunity to rise above their competition by embracing data portability. The key is ‘Self-Sovereign’ Identity. origin »

Only an Idiot Would Use Facebook’s Shady Cryptocurrency.

By CCN. com: In its neverending conquest to take over the world, Facebook is building a network of online merchants and financial institutions to support its secretive new cryptocurrency. The Wall Street Journal reports that Mark Zuckerberg’s war machine is looking for $1 billion to fund the secretive stablecoin project, Project Libra, and is talking with heavyweights like Visa and Mastercard to get that cash. origin »

BEXAM IEO on X-Hive Exchange.

On 13th of May, X-Hive, a crypto-to-crypto exchange with advantages of both Decentralized exchange (DEX) and Centralized exchange (CEX), will launch the pre-IEO of the BEXAM token ($BEXAM) with 10% discount. origin »

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