Bcnex is a full-service ecosystem for the purchase, exchange and trading of blockchain based tokens and a wide range of digital assets. It is a customer-centric, highly secure and stable trading platform built on microservices architecture that meets the most stringent customer requirements. origin »

simplyBrand ICO.

simplyBrand aims to establish a platform with built-in AI model and machine learning technology to identify counterfeits. Crowd-sourced participants will be incentivized to assist in verifying the unidentifiable items throughout the whole process. origin »

Pharmeum ICO.

Pharmeum is the world's first blockchain-based prescription platform with AI health analytics, which is currently working alongside the National Health Service (NHS) in England. The Pharmeum platform is an inter-operable, decentralised, digital prescription platform running over an intelligent neural network. origin »

Streamex ICO.

First Crypto Trading platform that brings trading competitions and leaderboards of top traders as well as community trading pools. Most Advanced Crypto Trading Platform that brings gamification to trading. origin »

Exclusive: Crypto Founder Lashes Out, Blames SEC for ‘Starving’ Innovation.

“My name is David Siegel, I am a regulatory refugee from the United States. ” This is how David Siegel, founder of crypto projects Pillar and 20|30, starts his presentations. What challenges have you faced building projects within the blockchain industry? Siegel understands the need for innovation and disruption within economies, and he can get more done in the UK and Europe than he can in the US. origin »

TNW2019 Daily: Find your dream job at our conference.

We have only 38 days left until TNW Conference! Our tech festival in Amsterdam is going to be amazing – just check out our terrain map if you don’t believe me. In today’s conference newsletter, I’m talking about the House of Talent, our incredible job fair taking place at the conference itself. origin »


Sekiro review: Perfection perfected.

I’ve been to hell and back – and I loved every minute of it. I took a full week off to play FromSoftware’s latest game Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. It kicked my ass, it made me question my life choices, then I kicked its ass and I felt rejuvenated. origin »

How safe are cryptocurrency payments?.

Cryptocurrencies, according to the dictionary, are “a digital currency in which encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer of funds, operating independently of a central bank. origin »

How Blockchain Is Changing the Rental Property Market.

Blockchain technology is already beginning to change how people buy and sell properties, but how can it improve other areas of the real estate sector? More specifically, here are a few ways that blockchain is impacting rental property management, including examples of some blockchain projects that are disrupting this industry. origin »

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