
GitHub is down because of data storage issues.

Developer platform GitHub has been down for hours due to data storage issues. According to GitHub’s status message board, the issue began around 10 PM ET on Sunday.  Some users are facing login errors while others are not able to see their commits. origin »

B2BX (B2B).

B2BX is a spot trading platform for large volume trading of major digital assets. It offers vast functionality and rich origin »

HKEX Report Recommends Crypto Regulation Under Existing Legal Frameworks.

The Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEX) has released a new report detailing why cryptocurrency and blockchain should come under new regulation based on existing regulatory frameworks. Drafted by the Chief China Economist’s Office and Innovation Lab at HKEX, the report recommends rethinking of the use of blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI) applications to come under […] origin »


The $8k Devil May Cry V bundle is awesome and I want it.

Capcom recently revealed three new bundles for its upcoming game Devil May Cry V, all with four-figure prices. While this is a little much even for an industry that loves expensive limited editions, I can’t help but be seriously tempted thanks to one of the perks — a snazzy coat. origin »

Initiative for CryptoCurrencies and Contracts (IC3) Talks Using Blockchain for Internet Voting.

The Initiative for Cryptocurrencies and Contracts (IC3) have conducted research concerning whether, as some proponents claim, blockchain technology will improve internet voting. Business Insider published an article concerning the study, in which researchers argue that while the technology may serve to revolutionize other industries, internet voting may be a sector that does not benefit from […] origin »


Litecoin To Slash Fees 90 Percent.

The silver to Bitcoin’s gold is about to get even cheaper to send. The leading development group for Litecoin, the seventh most valuable cryptocurrency, has announced that its next release will “lower network fees by a factor of ten,” reducing the average transaction fee to around half a cent. origin »

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