5 Things All DeFi Enthusiasts Should Know.

Here we look at five important aspects of DeFi that every investor and staker should know: 1. Impermanent Loss Impermanent Loss refers to the loss incurred when an asset’s price in a liquidity pool diverges from the price of the same asset in the open market. origin »


Bitcoin Mining: The Cold, Hard Truth.

Last month, The Guardian’s Lauren Artani wrote, “It’s not just the value of bitcoin that has soared in the last year – so has the huge amount of energy it consumes”. Why, exactly, does bitcoin consume so much energy? It has a do with the mining process. origin »

Fire Protocol to List FIRE on BitMax.

BitMax. io (BTMX. com), an industry-leading digital asset trading platform built by Wall Street quant trading veterans, has announced the listing of Fire Tokens (FIRE) under the trading pair of FIRE/USDT on March 19th at 9:00 a. origin »

Chiliz Launches Manchester City NFT.

Manchester City’s global fanbase will be able to use the NFT to access exclusive rewards, promotions, games, and AR-enabled features. Fan token holders will also have voting rights in certain binding and non-binding polls on Socios. origin »

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