Find your dream job at TNW2019.

Job fairs are an effective way of getting your name out there and finding your next career challenge. But more often than not, it can feel a bit stiff or boring. At TNW2019, we’re shaking things up with the House of Talent, where you can sign up now to get a free expo ticket to our conference and find your dream job in a relaxed setting. origin »


Mexico Sets New Bitcoin Volume Record After Trump’s Remittance Threat.

Bitcoin price remaining above $5000 resulted in new trading highs for several countries worldwide last week, the latest data shows. Mexico, Venezuela Post Record Localbitcoins Volumes According to monitoring resource Coin Dance, which tracks trading volumes on peer-to-peer exchange platforms Localbitcoins, Paxful and Bisq, certain markets continued to see spikes in Bitcoin activity. origin »


EA swears Jedi: Fallen Order won’t have multiplayer or microtransactions, ever.

After dangling little more than a title before us for months, EA and Respawn Entertainment finally revealed more about their new Star Wars game, Jedi: Fallen Order over the weekend. What they revealed almost says more about the publishers than it does about the game — namely, that the lack of typical “EA-ish” elements means Electronic Arts may have finally let years of fan complaints sink into its skin. origin »


Assange and Bitcoin (BTC), Consequences of the Arrest.

The betrayal of Julian Assange by the Ecuadorian president named Lenin Moreno could pursue several goals at once. The first and obvious – for the reward, the Ecuadorian leader thus contributed to the weakening of public attention to the disgraceful farce of brexit at its most acute stage. But there are several other aspects, including […] origin »

Gemini Crypto Exchange Announces Full SegWit Upgrade for its Wallets.

According to an official publication from Gemini, the firm has now introduced Segregated Witness (SegWit) addresses with full support for all its users. The firm which is a private digital currency exchange founded by the Winklevoss twins and with headquarters in New York, has delivered this upgrade to improve its services but also make the […] origin »

IDEX Volumes Surge As Liquidity Pours In.

Exchanges were among the first businesses to feel the full brunt of ‘crypto winter’. But although centralized trading platforms are still struggling to recover, business is booming for decentralized marketplaces like IDEX. origin »

Litecoin Achieves New Heights As Lightning Strikes Twice.

Litecoin, the sixth-largest cryptocurrency asset by market capitalization, has recently set a new high in mining hashrate – and a new record number of Lightning nodes. The eight-year-old cryptocurrency continues to defy predictions of its demise, with new adaptations like Mimblewimble and the Lightning Network demonstrating its viability against other altcoins. origin »


Trading Bots Found On Decentralized Exchanges.

Researchers from Cornell Tech published a report outlining the manipulation done by "Flash Boys," or automated trading bots, working on decentralized exchanges. According to professor Ari Juels, these trading bots are typically used by large firms and allow these companies to profit by placing their transactions at the front of the line. origin »


Bitcoin Price Watch: A Blow to Bitcoin SV Is a Plus for the Father of Crypto.

At press time, the father of cryptocurrency is trading for roughly $5,128. This is roughly where it stood during our previous price piece. The news is something of a two-sided coin. While it’s not great to see bitcoin remain perfectly still over a weeklong period, it’s nice to see that there have been no new […] The post Bitcoin Price Watch: A Blow to Bitcoin SV Is a Plus for the Father of Crypto appeared first on NullTX. origin »


Researchers create 3D print of heart using harvested human tissue.

Researchers at Tel Aviv University today unveiled a world’s first – a 3D print of a heart constructed from harvested human tissue and vessels. This technology, although in its formative stages, could potentially one day provide relief for patients whose lives are determined by the fickle whims of organ transplant lists. origin »

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