
2018, The Year Of The Bitcoin… Lawsuit.

2018 has seen a huge surge in the popularity of cryptocurrency. Led by the price surge at the end of 2017 and the start of 2018, cryptocurrency has become more popular than ever. Granted, at the minute investment may be a little quiet, however the name of Bitcoin and many other cryptocurrencies now features within mainstream news. origin »

Cryptocurrency Buying Guide : Turkey.

Turkey is one among a whole bunch of countries that is still unsure about the actual place and legality of cryptocurrencies. The country in the past has given many contradictory signals about its stance on the cryptocurrency market and their use in the country. origin »


Premier League Football Continues To Lend Itself To Bitcoin Adoption.

There’s a big trend in Premier League football at the moment that seems to be bringing in big interest in cryptocurrency and blockchain based sponsorships in football. London based Arsenal seemed to be the first to reach such an agreement and since then, we have seen cryptocurrency related sponsorships open up within a range of other top-flight football clubs, including Tottenham Hotspur and Leicester City with their new eToro sponsorships (among other clubs). origin »


Building A Blockchain Ecosystem For Soccer Fans.

Blockchain technology has the power to decentralize constructs and provide transparency to all types of industries. The 433 token ecosystem — from the company Soccer Legends Limited — is designed to bring together fans, soccer legends, and youth players on an incentive-driven platform. origin »


ARROUND: expanding the boundaries of reality.

September 15 marks the start of ARROUND Token Sale, the project that will allow combining virtual and real environments using augmented reality technologies. How will it work? What does this combination have to offer businesses and regular users? We asked these and a host of other questions to the CEO of ARROUND – Neil Bryant who boasts many years of successful experience in international IT companies and news agencies origin »

Japanese Regulator Unveils Crypto Regulation Updates.

Japan’s financial regulator has recently unveiled the current state of the crypto regulations in the country. Three crypto operators are currently being reviewed. With 160 companies wanting to enter the space, the regulator plans to add more personnel to help review new applicants. origin »


Surprise: OnePlus plans to build its first smart TV next year.

Everyone might be waiting for the OnePlus 6T, but the company has more than smartphones up its sleeve. OnePlus today announced it’s entering the smart TV game. The company doesn’t provide much in the way of hard details, but CEO Pete Lau penned a blog post explaining the new project: We want to bring the home environment to the next level of intelligent connectivity. origin »


Gemini To Introduce Litecoin Support, LTC Surges.

Gemini To Introduce LTC Support On October 13th, 2018 In a recent interview with CNBC’s “Fast Money” segment, Charlie Lee, a well-known cryptocurrency personality and the founder of the Litecoin project, discussed the San Francisco Litecoin Summit, which was upcoming at the time of his appearance on-air. origin »

Bitcoin Price Analysis - The waiting game.

Network fundamentals continue to suggest a vast improvement in scaling capacity and stewardship by the entire industry. Increases in both interest and access to Bitcoin at the retail and institutional levels continue to pave the way for further adoption and understanding. origin »


Odds of Bitcoin Price Hitting $3K ‘Getting Less Favorable,’ Says Trace Mayer.

Bitcoin price could continue dropping for up to another nine months and hit $3000, cryptocurrency investor and media personality Trace Mayer forecast September 16. Bitcoin $3k Chances ‘Less Probable’ In a tweet linking to his so-called ‘Mayer Multiple’ price analysis tool, the entrepreneur said that while a $3000 price tag for Bitcoin would be “hopeful,” the odds of it happening were now decreasing. origin »

Litecoin (LTC) Risks Major Sell Off In The Days Ahead.

Litecoin (LTC) risks a major sell off in the days to come. This is because Litecoin (LTC) is trading in two big rising wedges as seen on the LTC/USD 4H chart above. This means that before the 21st of September, Litecoin (LTC) can be expected to break this rising wedge and fall back towards previous lows. origin »

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