Post-Christmas market recovery: Polymath (POLY) leading the way ahead of Tron (TRX) and ChainLink (LINK).

After reaching $146 billion on 24th, the whole market took a dive and trimmed $18 billion to drop to the weekly low of $127 billion on 25th before bouncing back up to the current $131 billion. The modest push to the north was led by Polymath, a platform that aims to be “Ethereum for security […] The post Post-Christmas market recovery: Polymath (POLY) leading the way ahead of Tron (TRX) and ChainLink (LINK) appeared first on CaptainAltcoin. origin »

Bitcoin mining greener than gaming and many other industries, a study reveals.

Recently we’ve heard many Bitcoin deniers criticize the cryptocurrency for its alleged energy wasting. From Guardian to New York Times, many news outlets belonging to the “old establishment” failed to realize why exactly Bitcoin uses as much energy as it does, why that energy usage is good and why it’s not even that wasteful when […] The post Bitcoin mining greener than gaming and many other industries, a study reveals appeared first on CaptainAltcoin. origin »

Nano protocol passes security audity while another altcoin project on the verge of bankruptcy.

Another day, another Cardano AMA Charles Hoskinson, the CEO of IOHK (entity currently in charge of Cardano development), recently held another surprise AMA on his official YouTube channel. During the AMA, first Charles addressed the IOHK Summit events which were previously an employee-only ordeals; from the year of 2019, the Summit will be open to […] The post Nano protocol passes security audity while another altcoin project on the verge of bankruptcy appeared first on CaptainAltcoin. origin »


Christmas Crash Was No Surprise.

The crypto market is down again, scuppering hopes for an end of the year reprieve. Although the Christmas crash caught many off guard, the signs were there: Bitcoin bull momentum was already slowing down. origin »


Why Bitcoin? Patreon Pushed By Mastercard to Ban Accounts in ‘Terrible Precedent’.

Crowdfunding platform Patreon is grappling with fiat currency centralization after MasterCard demanded it must block the account of a prominent US author and several others. Spencer: Patreon ‘Axed’ Me Citing an email from the company in August, Robert Spencer, who penned multiple books about countering Jihad and advised law enforcement agencies, said it had “axed” him and he could no longer put contributed funds to any use. origin »

Bit World Exchange ICO.

Revolution in cryptocurrency exchanges Crypto + CFDs Hybrid Exchange! The new generation of cryptocurrency exchange Bit world is a hybrid exchange project in which centralized and decentralized database system has been used in their needed places. origin »

PwC Crypto: 2018’s Bitcoin Crash “Cleared Out The Noise”.

In terms of price action, 2018 was a dismal year for many of the crypto industry’s participants, as the Blockfolios of investors worldwide were painted in red all year round. Yet, as established by industry pundits like Armin Van Bitcoin, Travis Kling, and countless others, the past 12 months have been exorbitantly successful for this nascent. origin »

What Happens after a Great Crypto Recession? Path to Recovery.

Eighteen years ago, on March 10, 2000, the Nasdaq Composite Index established a then-intraday peak at 5,132. 52 before closing that day at 5,048. 61. The day marked the beginning of what the world now calls a “dotcom bubble,” which eventually washed billions of dollars off the market, a market movement uncomparable to crypto. origin »

Does Bitcoin Have a Future?.

Analysts have wildly divergent views regarding Bitcoin's future. Learn how to cut through all of the noise and finally take control of your Bitcoin trading. The post Does Bitcoin Have a Future? appeared first on CoinCentral. origin »

What is Bitwage? Jobs and Crypto Payments for Remote Workers.

Bitwage proudly displays the phrase Jobs and Salaries for International Outsourcing Firms atop its homepage. The company is not only a facilitator of cross-border payments for clients, their employees, and… The post What is Bitwage? Jobs and Crypto Payments for Remote Workers appeared first on CoinCentral. origin »


South Korea: Authorities Nab Nine People for Dealing Drugs Using DarkCoin Cryptocurrency.

According to a report published by Finance Magnates, on December 25, 2018, South Korean authorities have arrested nine cybercriminals for orchestrating drug deals using cryptocurrencies.   Execute Illegal Transactions with DarkCoin On December 23, 2018, the Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office stated that the criminals arrested used the darknet and even set up their website to facilitate the trade of drugs. origin »

Bexplus Review: Safe Crypto Futures Leverage Trading Exchange?.

Discover Bexplus, the first 100x cryptocurrency futures leverage trading platform. On Bexplus, users can make 100% profit on 1% Bitcoin growth or fall with 100x leverage. The world-leading derivative platform in digital assets seeks to provide advanced financial services to investors of futures trading worldwide through blockchain technology. origin »

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