As the First Rehab Center for Crypto Addicts Opens – Here’s How to Keep Yourself in Check.

A little over a month ago, the crypto community looked on with a twinge of amusement and cynicism as the first rehab center for cryptocurrency addicts opened its doors in the United Kingdom. But is there more to it than a shrewd Scottish hospital tapping into the latest craze? Is cryptocurrency addiction a real thing and, if so, how do you know if you have it? We don’t have an exact idea of how many people around the world invest in crypto. origin »


Bitcoin Poised for Mass Adoption, Says University Researchers.

A recent university study has endorsed Bitcoin as the next level in the evolution of money. Researchers at Imperial College London believe that cryptocurrencies are poised for mass adoption. The study which was sponsored by eToro examined the barriers to trust and mainstream adoption currently being faced by the emerging cryptocurrency movement. origin »

Cardano [ADA]’s CEO talks about IOHK’s role in supporting ETC development.

On 7th July, Charles Hoskinson took to YouTube to address IOHK and the role that it will continue to play in supporting ETC’s development. He said: “I got involved in Ethereum Classic to prove that principles matter and it is not okay to reverse, and that people need to have the option that if they believe in what Vitalik has done, they can keep with Ethereum and if they believe that the original intent should be maintained, they can sell their Ether and stay with the Ethereum Classic ecosystem. origin »


Bitcoin Stagnates Below $6800, Key Resistance Point.

Bitcoin (BTC) rally has stalled near a key resistance range and a minor pullback could recharge the engine for a much-awaited move toward the $7,000 mark. Further, BTC has failed to close (as per UTC) above the stiff resistance at $6,800 in the last two days. origin »


Ignorance is Bliss! Reactionary Economists Keep Yelling at Bitcoin.

Joseph Stiglitz, Nouriel Roubini, and Kenneth Rogoff have once again come out of the woodwork to attack Bitcoin — though they might need to get their facts straight.   ‘No Government Can Allow That’ Joseph Stiglitz, a Nobel Prize-winning economist and professor at Columbia University, believes Bitcoin will be shut down by governments around the world — while illustrating a serious lack of knowledge on what Bitcoin even is. origin »

Coindesk’s Nolan Bauerle Sees 2018 Year as Key For Crypto Adoption.

Coindesk’s Bauerle Sees Adoption As Key Speaking to CNBC on July 9, 2018, Coindesk’s research lead Nolan Bauerle has joined the current debate on the need for digital coin adoption. Many prominent voices – notably from the digital asset investment sector – have been calling for greater user adoption to entrench cryptocurrency as a phenomenon. […] origin »

Bitcoin Price Watch: Currency Holds Firm at $6,700.

At press time, the father of cryptocurrencies is holding its ground at $6,700, a price it managed to reach during yesterday’s early morning hours. After much speculation about whether bitcoin would be able to jump past $6,600, resistance was finally broken, and many analysts are wondering when bitcoin will strike $7,000. According to one source, […] origin »


Bitcoin trading in the Chinese currency.

The number of Bitcoin trading operations in the Chinese currency has fallen from a peak of more than 90% to less than 1 % of the world’s total. According to the People’s Bank of China, the trading of Bitcoin with the Chinese national currency, renminbi, has dramatically fallen. Though at its peak, more than 90 origin »

What Is Vyper?.

Building smart contracts can be done with many different projects and coding languages. In the case of Ethereum, the Solidity coding language is the main method of approaching this new technology. It now seems a new language is also making inroads, as Vyper is designed to be more secure, feel more natural, and improve auditability. […] origin »


Stop Searching for the Next Bitcoin.

There’s this little-known cryptocurrency that experts are tipping to be bigger than bitcoin. You might have missed bitcoin and ethereum, but you haven’t missed the boat, because the next bitcoin is right here. origin »

Two Men Sentenced to Jail For Selling ‘Ooberstick’ Kodi Devices.

With the rise of programmable set-top boxes, companies have sprung up all over the UK to fulfil demand, with millions of devices now in the hands of the public. Directed by Norfolk man Glenn Burrows, Ooberstick Ltd was incorporated in February 2016 and was set up to sell relatively expensive devices containing a custom build […] origin »

Romania Drafting Bill to Regulate Electronic Money.

The Romanian Ministry of Finance has published a draft “Emergency Ordianance” regulating the issuing of electronic money, Business Review reports. The new bill requires issuers of over EUR 350,000 of social capital in the form of electronic money to be cleared by Romania’s central bank. origin »

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