Tezos [XTZ] amidst all controversies now ranks at 19th – What is happening?

2018-7-7 21:59

Tezos, as a smart contract platform, allows users to code just about anything from a lottery to an insurance policy and put it on the blockchain. Over the past few months, there is a lot happening with Tezos in terms of its price and market cap.

Tezos’ complete trade history | Source: CoinMarketCap The Tezos’ investors waited […].

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Tezos (XTZ) на Currencies.ru

$ 0 (+0.00%)
Объем 24H $0
Изменеия 24h: 0.00 %, 7d: 0.00 %
Cегодня L: $0 - H: $1.0795
Капитализация $0 Rank 99999
Цена в час новости $ 1.74415 (-100%)

tezos happening lot terms months blockchain past

tezos happening → Результатов: 1