Hyperledger Exec: Early preventive programs will not be considered by consumers

Hyperledger Exec: Early preventive programs will not be considered by consumers
фото показано с : bitcoints.com

2018-7-7 08:54

Brian Behlendorf, executive director of the Linux Foundation’s Hyperledger Project, said that early blockchain projects will hardly be noticeable to most consumers, TechCrunch reported July 6.
It [has to] feel something like your wallet when you pull out your driver’s license and show it.” In June, Behlendorf said that he expects blockchain technology to curb the power of Silicon Valley’s major technology companies.
However, I think that the core of blockchain — as a decentralized technology — will diminish [their] market power.” As per Behlendorf, Hyperledger presently has around 10 code bases, where two are in production use with eight frameworks to build blockchains.
He said that the large majority of developers are working on blockchain projects because their business wants to use it or launch a pilot, while just a few get involved to improve their skills and reputation.
Regarding the open source nature of the technology he said ““For them, knowing other companies are using it and making a profit is fine.

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