Результатов: 461

Instagram will now let you regram posts across all your accounts

TechCrunch reports that Instagram is finally introducing an official regram feature to its iOS app, so you can share the same post from multiple accounts that you run. That should make it easy for content creators looking to promote their work on their personal and brand accounts, as well as businesses with multiple profiles for different audiences. дальше »

2019-1-10 07:49

End of year crypto roundup: How did Ripple perform in 2018?

If anyone said that banks and cryptocurrencies are natural enemies and can never work together — Ripple was out there to prove them wrong! Unlike Bitcoin — which is aimed at performing like regular currencies and be used to pay for goods and services  — Ripple is a real-time payment settling and remittance system for banks and other payment networks. дальше »

2018-12-26 13:00


Facebook is hiring engineers and researchers for its blockchain team

It seems Facebook is looking to step up its “decentralization” efforts. The social media giant is currently recruiting blockchain engineers and researchers. Facebook wants to add a data scientist, a data engineer, and a couple of software engineers to its growing blockchain team, according to its careers page (via SludgeFeed). дальше »

2018-12-10 14:01

How blockchain is bringing staffing innovation

Blockchain technology is rapidly spreading into every available corner in the market, leading many business owners and managers to encounter it for the first time recently. While many have heard about the exciting cryptocurrencies that are sucking up media attention, like Bitcoin, few have heard as much about the blockchain tech that’s powering those cryptocurrencies and other dizzying digital trends forward. дальше »

2018-12-9 07:50


You really shouldn’t visit Pornhub’s new SFW section at work – or Starbucks

Mondays can be slow for tech news, so I began trawling some unusual sources online for stories that might interest our audience, and I eventually found myself on Pornhub. The site added an SFW section last week, noting that it featured “hundreds of videos with ranging topics, including adult entertainers sharing advice and experiences; compilation videos with attractive, yet clothed people; video game reviews and demonstrations; and more. дальше »

2018-12-3 13:26


Scientists work to accurately model human pain in robot brains

It’s almost certain, based on current research trends, that an artificial brain will replicate the organic pain experience in its entirety one day. So here’s a thought experiment: if a tree falls in the forest, and it lands on a robot with an artificial nervous system connected to an artificial brain running an optimized pain recognition algorithm, is the tree guilty of assault or vandalism? A team of scientists from Cornell University recently published research indicating they’d successfully replicated proprioception in a soft robot. дальше »

2018-12-1 23:19


Scientists’ new approach to invisibility is more HG Wells than Harry Potter

Novel research into cloaking technology conducted at a Spanish university has produced a potential method for making objects invisible from the inside out. Maybe the titular character in HG Wells’ classic novel “The Invisible Man,” who arrives at his transparent state by injecting himself with a special formula, was on to something after all. дальше »

2018-11-28 02:35


Startup founders: Remote teams are possible — here are 4 ways to make them happen

Working remotely is becoming increasingly commonplace in many countries around the world. Whether individuals work in a flexible environment that allows them to spend part of the week outside the office or even work entirely from home, the increased flexibility offered by today’s tech-powered environment has created new opportunities for employers and employees alike. дальше »

2018-11-12 19:58