Crypto Dividends: Staking Coins for Gains Potentially a Good Strategy in a Bear Market but Is Not Without Risk

Crypto Dividends: Staking Coins for Gains Potentially a Good Strategy in a Bear Market but Is Not Without Risk
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2019-2-19 17:28

Potential gains and risks to be had with cryptocurrency staking — the bear market strategy that calls for long-term holding

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origin » (MASP) на

$ 0 (+0.00%)
Объем 24H $0
Изменеия 24h: 0.00 %, 7d: 0.00 %
Cегодня L: $0 - H: $0
Капитализация $0 Rank 99999
Доступно / Всего 0 MASP

gains bear market strategy staking had risks

gains bear → Результатов: 50


Bitcoin Price Analysis: Potential Reaccumulation Could Test Bear Trend

Last week, after a devastating move that shook the market violently up and down for a 7% move in just a few short minutes, bitcoin saw a major sign of strength as it proceeded to have a slow, but steady markup where it managed to establish a local high in the $6,800s:Figure 1: BTC-USD, Hourly Candles, Shakeout Prior to MarkupThis shakeout forced the market to temporarily establish a new monthly low in what could be argued to be a stop-hunt prior to the move to the $6,800s.

2018-9-24 21:29