Court Sides With Shrem in Case Against Winklevoss Twins

Court Sides With Shrem in Case Against Winklevoss Twins
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2018-11-11 20:00

In a surprising turn of events for many, a Winklevoss suit against former Bitinstant CEO Charlie Shrem which started in early-November 2018 has seen the court favoring the defendant. Shrem’s assets have since then been unfrozen, after the hearing sided with the Shrem.

Shrem Claims To Have Never Owned The Bitcoin For those unaware, the suit was brought forward by. . . Read More. The post by Nigel Dollentas appeared first on BTCManager, Bitcoin, Blockchain & Cryptocurrency News.

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shrem suit court bitcoin against winklevoss brought

shrem suit → Результатов: 3

Winklevoss Twins Sue Charlie Shrem For Allegedly Stealing 5,000 Bitcoin

The Winklevoss twins have filed a lawsuit against bitcoin investor Charlie Shrem, alleging that Shrem “stole” 5,000 bitcoins from them in 2012. According to a recent report released by the New York Times, Charlie Shrem has made several large purchases over the past year, including multiple real estate properties, luxury cars, powerboats and a $2 million house.

2018-11-3 20:19