Crypto Market Forecast: Week of September 6th 2021.

A curated weekly summary of forward-focused crypto news that matters. This week, Ethereum hovers around US$4000 after its first deflationary day, Bitcoin's appeal as a macro asset grows, and Solana continues its epic surge, climbing up the top 10 digital asset chart. origin »

Cardano hardfork - buy the rumor, sell the news?.

2021 is the year of the platform blockchain. Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Solana have all deployed ecosystem updates that led to strong price growth. Cardano, however, has outperformed all of them - and the successful implementation of its September 12th hard fork will be critical to the future of crypto’s No.3 asset. origin »


TECNALIA ties with Chainlink to explore oracles applications beyond DeFi.

TECNALIA, a renowned research and technological development center in Europe, has joined hands with Chainlink Labs to identify scenarios in which they can apply oracles beyond the DeFi Sector. A press release unveiled this news on September 13, noting both organizations seek to introduce hybrid smart contracts and oracles in leading global industries. origin »

Infura releases public version of its Ethereum transaction relaying service.

Infura, a ConsenSys service that provides a suite of blockchain developer tools, today announced the public release of its Ethereum transaction relaying service, Infura Transactions (ITX). ITX makes sending transactions easier for the developer such as handling stuck transactions, managing nonces, and gradually bumping the tip to entice block producers to prioritize their transaction. origin »

BSO partners with ImpactScope to offer carbon offsetting for crypto traders.

BSO, a global infrastructure and connectivity provider, in partnership with Geneva-based ImpactScope, a social enterprise providing carbon offsetting solutions to digital asset exchanges and crypto mining companies, has become the first connectivity provider to offer clients that trade cryptocurrencies the means to calculate and offset the excess carbon emissions of their operations. origin »

The Future of FX - DFX is a DEX for stablecoins.

DFX is an Ethereum-based decentralized exchange protocol with a dynamically tuned bonding curve optimized for fiat-backed stablecoins using real-world FX price feeds. Mainstream adoption of Web 3. 0 requires assets that are protected from price volatility. origin »

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