Результатов: 262

What Bitcoin Did Gets Technical with Crypto-Educator Jimmy Song

<iframe style="border: none" src="//html5-player. libsyn. com/embed/episode/id/7132345/height/90/theme/custom/autoplay/no/autonext/no/thumbnail/yes/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/backward/render-playlist/no/custom-color/87A93A/" height="90" width="100%" scrolling="no"  allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe> On the latest episode of What Bitcoin Did, host Peter McCormack interviews Jimmy Song, a consultant in blockchain education, to take an in-depth look at a relatively recent incident in the world of cryptocurrency and use that as an example to segue into a deeper discussion on the possible trajectories of Bitcoin itself. дальше »

2018-10-6 00:05

Apple runs into another embarrassing issue with the new MacBook Pro

A series of embarrassing gaffes in Cupertino are leading many to question whether Apple has lost its eye for detail. Just weeks after Apple acknowledged, then patched, a throttling issue in its updated line of “Pro-level” laptops, users are now reporting another problem that casts Apple‘s quality control in a less-than-favorable light: the speakers. дальше »

2018-8-10 05:18


IOTA responds to leaked chats revealing a heated internal strife

Sergey Ivancheglo, co-founder of IOTA, has stated a vote of no confidence in his compatriot co-founder Dominik Schiener, as outlined in a leaked chat-log transcript on Pastebin. The transcript opens with a note from Ivangheglo stating, “I inform everyone that I [no] longer trust Dominik Schiener and I think he should quit the IOTA Foundation for the better future of IOTA. дальше »

2018-8-8 15:42

Криптоэнтузиасты взломали кошелёк Макафи, но награду не получили

Ко­ман­да крип­то­эн­ту­зи­а­стов OverSoft со­об­щи­ла в Twitter, что ей уда­лось взло­мать и по­лу­чить пол­ный до­ступ к крип­то­ко­шель­ку Bitfi. «Ко­рот­ко, не вда­ва­ясь в де­та­ли: у нас есть пол­ный root-до­ступ к ко­шель­ку, до­ступ к про­шив­ке, а также мы можем под­твер­дить, что бла­го­по­луч­но под­клю­чи­лись к па­не­ли управ­ле­ния BitFi», — со­об­щи­ли спе­ци­а­ли­сты. Short update without going into too much detail […] дальше »

2018-8-4 15:36

«Невзламываемый» кошелек Джона Макафи вероятно был взломан

«Невзламываемый» кошелек Bitfi, так широко рекламируемый Джоном Макафи, предположительно, был взломан после объявления о награде в размере $250 000, сообщает CCN. Так команда разработчиков кошелька до сих пор не дала ответ на заявление OverSoftNL, которые утверждают, что им удалось получить root access к Bitfi. дальше »

2018-8-3 14:51

STARKs, Part I: Proofs with Polynomials

Special thanks to Eli Ben-Sasson for ongoing help, explanations and review, coming up with some of the examples used in this post, and most crucially of all inventing a lot of this stuff; thanks to Hsiao-wei Wang for reviewing Hopefully many people by now have heard of ZK-SNARKs, the general-purpose succinct zero knowledge proof technology that can be used for all sorts of usecases ranging from verifiable computation to privacy-preserving cryptocurrency. дальше »

2018-7-21 23:03