
TNW2019 Daily: Don’t be a stranger.

TNW Conference is only 48 days away, and that means we’re about to launch some really cool things. In the countdown to TNW2019, we’ll announce the full schedule, the festival terrain map, and an amazing giveaway – just to name a few. origin »


A quick guide to understanding blockchain smart contracts.

Welcome to Hard Fork Basics, a collection of tips, tricks, guides, and advice to keep you up to date in the cryptocurrency and blockchain world. ‘Smart contracts’ is a term that gets thrown about quite often in the blockchain world, but there seems to be some confusion about what they are – and how they work. origin »

Bitcoin Cash Transactions Rise 4x.

Bitcoin Cash transactions have seen a significant spike, rising from about 10,000 a day to 40,000 on Thursday, making that one of the highest level of demand for the network.... The post Bitcoin Cash Transactions Rise 4x appeared first on Trustnodes. origin »


Op Ed: With Bitcoin, Anarchy Is the Point, Not the Problem.

Last week, there was a panel at SXSW that was effectively a debate on the merits of permissioned blockchains versus permissionless systems like Bitcoin. I listened to the entire audio of the panel discussion, after Programming Bitcoin author Jimmy Song tweeted it out the other day, and I thought he did an awesome job of pointing out the key value proposition of Bitcoin and why it is not worth comparing to permissioned systems. origin »

Visa Is Avidly Fishing For A Crypto Blockchain Dev Hero.

Visa Inc. is seeking a full-time technical product manager in Palo Alto, California. In a job posting to SmartRecruiters, the global card giant said it is looking for someone who is “passionate about the intersection of payments and cryptocurrency,” and “deeply familiar with permissionless blockchain technology. origin »

What Crypto Bear Market? Japanese Banking Giant SBI Will Soon Mine Bitcoin.

SBI Holdings, a major financial and banking giant in Japan, has formally announced the launch of SBI Mining Chip Co. , Ltd. , officially entering the bitcoin mining industry. In recent months, the most dominant forces in the global bitcoin mining industry in the likes of Bitmain, Cannan, and Japanese internet conglomerate GMO have struggled to adjust to market conditions. origin »

BitMEX CEO Arthur Hayes Predicts $10,000 BTC in 2019.

In the most recent issue of the BitMEX newsletter, CEO Arthur Hayes predicts that the $10,000 Bitcoin will return this year. Hayes ties federal reserve inflation rates to the last bull run in Bitcoin, and thinks the Fed’s recent decision to halt interest rate hikes will predicate the next one. origin »

(+) Decentralized Poker: How to Play Texas Hold ‘Em With EOS.

Do you like poker? Do you like cryptocurrency? If the answer is yes, you will love EOS. While platforms like Tron are only getting started, and have simpler games like “Dice52,” regular dice, and “moon” available, a project called PokerKing has built a fully functioning Texas Hold ‘Em game on EOS. origin »


LEMONAD (LAD) Stats Live.

Today LEMONAD (LAD) stats have gone live for all to view. These stats are 100% accurate. Users can now see their ROI as well as additional details in the stats.LAD is the PoS utility token which fuels the LemonAd platform. It is a mean of payment for advertisers and origin »

Bitcoin Price @ $10,000: BitMEX CEO Predicts Strong Gains in Q4 2019.

On BitMEX Crypto Trader Digest, BitMEX CEO Arthur Hayes reaffirmed his prediction for bitcoin, foreseeing the dominant cryptocurrency achieving $10,000 in price by the end of 2019. Previously, in mid-2018, when the sentiment around bitcoin was still generally optimistic, Hayes said that the asset had not found its bottom and is likely to fall below $5,000. origin »


Gram Showed 4x before Launch.

The cryptocurrency of Pavel Durov and his darknet TON, called Gram, has already made a lot of noise. Perhaps not a single launch was expected with such impatience. Durov has such a high rating among cryptoinvestors that he does not have to make any additional hype. origin »

Trump Grants Amnesty to Illegal Immigrants in Golan Heights Under ‘Israel’s Sovereignty.

President Donald Trump overturned decades of U. S Middle East policy Thursday with the recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the disputed Golan Heights area on the Syrian border. Noting the Golan Heights are of “critical strategic and security importance,” Trump tweeted: After 52 years it is time for the United States to fully recognize Israel’s Sovereignty over the Golan Heights, which is of critical strategic and security importance to the State of Israel and Regional Stability! — Donald J. origin »

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